Job Seekers


  • “The career center has been a real wealth of job resources for me. Their innovative workshops have been an asset to me. The resume and interview technique workshops are especially important. It gave me valuable tools so I can successfully obtain employment. Most importantly, the helpful and friendly staff is the program’s strength. They welcomed me with open arms and understand my personal needs.”
    -Steven Nguyen, career center participant
  • “I come to the career center to look for jobs, I don’t just come for the resources. I love the atmosphere. The people who works in the office are a great help. I always leave with a positive vibe.”
     -Philana Jackson, career center participant

The Eden Area Comprehensive America’s Job Center of California (AJCC) offers a wide range of free services and resources to support job seekers during their job search. Job seekers can access basic career services at the career center to conduct their job search independently, with resources such as computers with internet access, copiers, fax machines, typing tests, job listings, on-site recruitments, and free workshops.

For those needing more personalized assistance, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program provides priority services tailored to your needs, including individualized career counseling, job placement support, skills assessments, customized training opportunities, and connections to supportive services like childcare and transportation. These services are especially prioritized for veterans and eligible spouses’, recipients of public assistance, individuals with low incomes, Justice-impacted, individuals with disabilities, basic skills deficient, long-term unemployed, older individuals (55+), refugees/Asylees, LGBTQ+. Please let our staff know if you identified as one of our priority of services.

Choose the services below that best fit your needs and take the next step toward achieving your career goals.